What an incredible moment for everyone who had worked so hard to conceptualise and create what was once only a dream. Alwin Memorial Public School aims to provide a distinctive, inspirational education that enables children to reach their full potential. It is founded on solid values and enhanced by sheer discipline. Reverend Francis Paul led the blessing ceremony with a prayer service and benediction. The school currently boasts a large science lab, a computer science lab, a large library, many more classrooms, and an attractive makeover to the entire infrastructure.
Grandparents embody unconditional love, patience, comfort, and caring. To honour their efforts, we at Alwin Memorial Public School toasted them with a lot of fun and ceremony. It became a day to remember as the grandparents left with a plethora of happy memories and blessings for their grandkids, instructors, school, and administration.
Alwin celebrated the 75th Republic Day with freedom of thought, tenacity of speech, honesty in our veins, pride in our spirits, and fervour in our hearts. Wg.Cdr. (Dr.) P.Manoharan (Rtd) graced the occasion, speaking at length about the importance of leadership skills in students and the duties that teachers bear in raising the most responsible and patriotic citizens for our nation. The kids' patriotic songs, dances, and short speeches sparked patriotic fervour among the crowd. The day concluded with a vow to uphold the constitution and the singing of the national anthem.
The day is celebrated to promote public transportation system which aims to promote sustainable and efficient system. The theme Transportation was introduced to our Grade-I students through an enterprising Transport Day activity organised in the month of November. The creative props and toys brought and displayed by the students clearly exhibited their intrinsic interest and knowledge on the topic. Children were filled with curiosity and admiration. Our teachers made the children understand and experience the importance of vehicle on our daily life.
The various celebration and events at the school were designed in a manner to evoke and expose the student's inner most talent. Our school celebrated the Pongal in a splendid manner. The pongal celebration started with prayer followed by Tamizh thaivazhthu. The students participated in singing, dancing, villupaatu and speech. The talent and skills of the students, exhibited our true tradition and culture. Followed by Principal's message for Pongal . The school campus sparkled with Rangoli , earthenware Pongal pots with sugarcane decorations.
The school was filled with cheers on the celebration of Christmas. The celebration took place on 22nd December in Alwin Campus. Students from class I to VIII participated in various cultural programmes which enriched the celebration. Participants dressed themselves in red and white. Carols and dance were performed by the students in a most joyful way. The Nativity play stole the show. Santa Claus masks, handicrafted gifts, attractive crib enriched the season of Christmas. The whole school was decorated with cards, stars and bells with vibrant colours. The music band visited the classrooms and entertained the students with wonderful carols.
Field trips help in improving children's social and interactive skills. Taking part in field trips is one of the best ways to learn, absorb and experience things practically. Field trips stimulate the senses, motivate curiosity and advance experimental learning. The students have been taken for field trips to various interesting places.Such educational trips help a children to gain knowledge about the history of the places and the culture of the people.It promotes opportunity to see touch and feel what they have learnt in the classroom
To inculcate the importance of farming and love for domestic animals in our little ones mind , a day in the month of August was dedicated to observe the ‘ Farm House’ with lots of funful activities. Our tiny tots of kindergarten were given the opportunity to learn about farm work and farm animals. Farms, domestic animals and their shelters were displayed by the students in the form of charts, models etc..emphasizing the value and importance of Farm. The activity enhanced the effective learning and wonderful memories
"A gifted teacher is not only prepared to meet the needs of today's child but is also prepared to foresee the hopes and dreams in every child's future." Teachers' Day was celebrated on September 5, the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishna. Mr. Sujith, the Mattram Foundation's founder, graced the function as the chief guest. His message to the instructors was that teaching is more than a job; it is a calling, a commitment, and a lifelong path of discovery. Teachers do not merely teach topics; they shape destinies. They not only inform, but also inspire. They are entrusted with the unique role of influencing the next generation and fostering aspirations.
“Sports speak to the youth in a language they understand. They create hope and unity.” On a pleasant November morning, Alwin Memorial Public School hosted its 14th Annual Sports Meet. The day was engulfed with excitement amidst thrills and cheers. The chief guest, Mr. Tamil Vendhan, IRS - Addl. Commissioner of Customs (Retd) encouraged the children to keep up their sportsmanship and appreciated their impressive participation. Everyone witnessed astounding displays like the sequence drill, pyramid formations etc. The little ones kept everyone enthralled with their rhythmic displays. The Florence Nightingale house bagged the overall championship trophy.
“Investiture is a call to serve, learn and lead.” Alwin Memorial Public School celebrated the Investiture Ceremony, paving the way for the newly elected student council members to lead from the front with commitment, confidence and competence. Our Chairman, Dr. N. Vijayan, honoured the student council members and the club leaders with their badges and delivered a pertinent speech, acquainting the newly appointed council members with their duties. Thus, our new leaders embarked on a new journey to learn and lead.
Our school guided by our Chairman has donated ₹50,000 to Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund towards COVID19 relief.
Janani K of class IX has written a book, titled 'The New Beginning' brisking the climatic change and the need for change through a story. 'I was deeply inspired to write a book whenever my father took me to The Chennai Book Fair. I have utilized the lockdown period to take the chance of writing a book' stated the student. 'We encourage such young talents, initiatives and motivate the children to read newspapers and books. The book is interesting to read and has intrinsic details of climatic condition and the measures to prevent natural calamities in advance' quoted Dr N Vijayan, Senior Principal, Chairman of Zion and Alwin Group of Schools.
The Investiture ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly invested office bearers - The School Pupil Leaders, Sports Secretaries, House leaders, Uniform Service leaders and Club leaders. Donning the mantle of accountability, they also pledge to bestow their duties to the best of their abilities. We believe that the child centric approach will frame a responsible citizen. Our Director, Ms. Rachal Georgiana presided over the ceremony. Our Dean Mrs. Jayanthi Sivakumar and Captain N S S Moorthy, member of our school honoured our leaders of 2019-2020.
The scientific temperament and the interest of the students in research-oriented projects are showcased during the science exhibition. The exhibition was organized for the kids giving ample opportunity for the students to show-case their scientific skills and artistic talents. The exhibition laid the platform for the students to participare in various Science exhibitions at the state and National level.
Colours week is celebrated every year to make the kids aware of the colours and its significance. Various activities are conducted to develop the fine motor skills in the students. Early identification of colours helps to create the cognitive link between visual clues and words which is an important part of a child’s holistic development.
The former Chief Minister Late Thiru. Kamarajar is remembered every year on his birthday on 15th July, by celebrating ‘Education Development Day’. Our students paid tribute to this great personality, presenting his life in the form of speeches, dance and skit. Chief Guest Dr. M. Thiagaraj Ph.D., Prof. in Tamil, Gurunanak College enhanced our children’s quality of thoughts with his stimulating words.
“The most important thing in sports is not winning but taking part”. The students of Alwin prove this quote of Pierre de Coubertin right. The students participate in various levels of competitions in track and field and other events and matches house-wise. Needless to say about the spirit of sportsmanship exhibited by them when team games are conducted. The students exhibited their talents through various displays including aerobics, yoga, pyramids etc.The much awaited 10 th Annual sports day was celebrated on 25th January, 2020 with great zeal and frolicsome atmosphere. Eminent Chief Guest, Dr. Praveen, Sr. Lecturer, Pondicherry Sports University, declared open the sports meet, encouraged the students with his motivating speech and gave away the prizes.
24th October is being observed as the UN Day every year during the morning assembly in which the students perform different programmes which carry a lot of information regarding the United Nations Organization and its functions. Later in the day, a quiz competition was conducted on the United Nations Organisation.
A day to celebrate and remember the past achievements and look forward to the journey ahead. The grand 10thAnnual day, “Fantasy...the Reality” was celebrated with great pomp and show on February 8th, 2020. Our honourable and distinguished Chief Guest Dr. Fathima Vasanth, Academic Director, Patrician College presided over the function and witnessed the exuberant and scintillating performances of our students. A thought-provoking speech was rendered by the Chief Guest which highly captivated the students and the parents. Winners in Academics and Sports were honoured by the Chief Guest. Our Chairman Dr. N. Vijayan honoured the Chief Guest with memento.
Our school celebrates Independence Day every year in a grand manner at beautifully decorated campus with flag coloured ribbons and balloons. Students take part in all the activities- pinning flags to uniforms, watching the flag hoisting, singing the national anthem, delivering speech and enacting skits. The Chief Guest, Major Natarajan’s stunningspeech nurtured the young minds which added special colour to the celebration. Our Dean Ms.Jayanthy Sivakumar and Principal Ms.Nazareena honoured the chief guest with a memento. Children depicted the freedom struggle movements which spread a patriotic fervour in the air.
Field trip is arranged to introduce the concepts, experiences, and ideas that cannot be given in a classroom environment which provides students the opportunity to observe their subject outside of a classroom setting. It ignites students’ imagination, give them valuable experiences and refresh their minds
Scholar Badge Ceremony is a moment to rejoice for the meritorious students who had worked diligently to achieve their goals. Students from classes I to IX are awarded scholar and topper Badges, Silver and Gold Stars are awarded for KG students as recognition for their outstanding academic merit and excellence.
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